Page 9 - Izzivi razvoja ribištva v Sloveniji
P. 9

The research brings new insights and challenges in the field of fisheries
in Slovenia and related industries. Through interviews, we obtained pri-
mary data for the research, which covered various aspects and segments
of the fishing market in Slovenia, with a focus on socio-economic fac-
tors. We investigated fishing and farming of shellfish and fish in the sea
and inland waters, the link between fisheries and tourism, processing
of fisheries products, abuses in the fisheries market and related issues,
and opportunities for sustainable development of fisheries in the Slo-
venian sea and inland waters. The results of the interviews gave us an
insight into the types of problems and possible solutions as seen by di-
fferent stakeholders in relation to the fish market. The findings on the
market, possible directions for development and implications for de-
velopment are presented at the end of the study. Given the problems
identified, we have also made suggestions that could improve the situ-
ation of fisheries and the fish market in Slovenia. The survey yielded
some important findings, such as: Slovenian consumers eat much less
fish than other eu members, have little awareness of fishery products
and are too short term to make changes. In all activities related to the
fish market, it is necessary to reduce the impact on the environment,
which helps to preserve fish stocks in natural waters.
Keywords: fish market, fishery, Slovenia, fishing, aquaculture, sustaina-
ble development, market violations, fishing industry

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