Page 11 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2021. Opereta med obema svetovnima vojnama ▪︎ Operetta between the Two World Wars. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 5
P. 11

Operetta between the Two World Wars
In memoriam Peter Andraschke

Jernej Weiss
University of Ljubljana / University of Maribor

More than fifteen years ago, at the time of my first active involvement in
Slovenian Music Days as the co-author of an exhibition on the composi-
tion group Pro musica viva, the then head of the symposium Primož Kuret
introduced me to Peter Andraschke. As a young doctoral candidate, I fol-
lowed his appearances at the symposium and read his scholarly publica-
tions with considerable interest. He surprised me at our first meeting by ad-
dressing me in Slovene (it turned out that he had family connections with
our country) and encouraged me to participate actively in the symposi-
um with a paper of my own before too long. Just under a decade would
pass before I was able to put his suggestion into practice, but over the years
of our encounters at the symposium I realised that he was one of the most
important collaborators of the Ljubljana musicological symposium. With
the benevolent nature that characterised him, Peter established a genuinely
comradely relationship with most of the symposium participants and de-
veloped close friendships with some of those from the circle of initiators of
the Ljubljana symposium.

Despite the insidious disease he had been battling for the last few years,
he also intended to present a paper at the symposium in April 2020 (sub-
sequently postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic). With typical
conscientiousness he submitted his summary for translation purposes and
prepared a preliminary version of his paper just a few days before his death.
The paper was subsequently equipped with scholarly apparatus and read-

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