Page 19 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 19
Figure 1: Occurrence of all five psychophysical load dimensions in different psychophysical workload of workers in slovenia 17
activities (SKD).

The dimension of fatigue has a high average value in comparison with
other dimensions (M = 6.02). Individuals employed in public administration,
defence and compulsory social security activities most frequently report symp-
toms linked to fatigue (M = 6.74), followed by those engaged in information
and communications activities (M = 6.58). Symptoms of fatigue are rarely, if ev-
er, reported by workers engaged in electricity, gas and steam supply activities
(M = 4.50) and in transport and storage (M = 5.00).

Depressive reactions have the highest average value in comparison with
the four other dimensions (M = 4.22). Symptoms are reported most frequently
by those employed in construction (M = 5,14) and catering and hospitality (M
= 4.50). Never (or rarely) do symptoms occur in trade (M = 4.11) or in profes-
sional, scientific and technical activities (M = 4.12).

In our sample, social behavioural disorders appear with greatest frequen-
cy (M = 6,21). Workers in information and communications activities most fre-
quently report intolerance and avoiding contact with others (M = 6.92), fol-
lowed by transport (M = 6.71). By contrast, workers in catering and hospitality
report positive experiences in relationships with others (M = 5.58).

A joint value on the Psychophysical Health Scale is given to enable a com-
parison between activities (Figure 2). The overall trend is similar to the trend
observed in relation to individual dimensions: issues relating to psychophysical
load are most frequently reported by workers in construction (M = 28.43). In-
formation and communications activities (M = 27.75), financial and insurance
activities (M = 26.93), trade (M = 26.80), public administration, defence and so-
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