Page 16 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 16
ance produced is not statistically characteristic regardless of the different in-
clusion of the predictors in the model.

Table 2: Hierarchical regression analysis: prediction of the dimension of
fear and anxiety based on education, age and sex.

  Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Predictor B SEB β B SEB β B SEB β
zdravje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 14 Vocational -0.46 1.05 -0.04 -0.41 1.04 -0.04 -0.56 1.04 -0.05
Secondary -1.81 0.94 -0.48 -1.77 0.93 -0.47 -1.87 0.94 -0.50*
College -1.46 0.98 -0.21 -1.42 0.97 -0.20 -1.49 0.97 -0.21
technical -1.81 0.94 -0.43 -1.75 0.94 -0.42 -1.88 0.94 -0.45*
University -1.74 0.93 -0.52% -1.76 0.93 -0.52% -1.86 0.93 -0.55*
Master’s -1.48 0.96 -0.25 -1.54 0.96 -0.26 -1.67 0.96 -0.28
Doctorate -2.25 0.98 -0.30* -2.27 0.99 -0.30* -2.28 0.99 -0.31*
27–35 -0.52% 0.20 -0.16* -0.53 0.20 -0.16*
36–44 -0.16* 0.24 -0.04 -0.19 0.24 -0.05
45 and over -0.42 0.25 -0.10 -0.41 0.25 -0.09
Sex 0.27 0.17 0.07
0.03 0.05 0.05
F 2.18* 2.77* 2.52 -0.05

Notes: HLM, education and age are presented with the aid of “dummy” variables, where
the reference group for the first is primary school education and the reference group for the
second is the 18–26 age group.
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01

Demographic variables in the depressive reactions dimension (Table 3) ex-
plain 2% of the differences, but the change is not statistically significant. With
the inclusion of the variables of age and sex, there are, within Model 3, statis-
tically significant differences between individuals who have completed voca-
tional, academic technical, university and doctoral studies. Individuals who
belong to these groups differ significantly from those who have completed pri-
mary school in relation to the depressive reactions dimension. Their result for
the dimension is 1.74 lower than for those who have completed vocational stud-
ies, 1.58 lower than for those who have completed academic technical studies,
1.63 lower than for those who have completed university studies and 1.60 lower
than for those who have completed doctoral studies.
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