Page 11 - Lazar, Irena, 2016. AS – Arheologija za vse: Oživljanje arheološkega parka Simonov zaliv | AS – Project Archaeology for All: Revival of the the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press
P. 11
onovem zalivu so bile odkrite različne Recent excavations brought important in-
najdbe, iz katerih lahko rekonstruiramo formation to light: the history of the villa
življenje prebivalcev v vili in gospodarske revealed that it had been built between
dejavnosti, s katerimi so se ukvarjali. Ne- 25 and 10 BC; by sometime between 50
kateri od najdenih predmetov so na ogled and 70 some parts of the structure have
v Pomorskem muzeju Sergej Mašera v already been abandoned. The corridor
Piranu in v Pokrajinskem muzeju Koper. and the port have remained in use for a
longer period. The excavations in the area
Še posebej pomembno je pristanišče vile around the villa in Simonov zaliv revealed
v Simonovem zalivu, ki je bilo s preko different findings, which enable the re-
7000 m² površine eno največjih na za- construction of the inhabitants’ lifestyle
hodni obali Istre. Robnik in pomol, ki je and their economic activities. Some of the
še v 19. stoletju imel bronaste prstane found objects are on display in the Mar-
za privezovanje ladij, sta danes pokrita itime Museum of Sergej Mašera in Piran
s kopališko strukturo. Ostanki valobrana and in the Regional Museum of Koper
so še vedno vidni v morju, vendar pod
morsko gladino, saj je nivo morja danes The port in the bay of St. Simon is of
za 1,6 m višji kot v rimski dobi. Jugozaho- particular importance: covering the area
dno od pristanišča so pod vodno gladino of more than 7000 m² it is one of the
vidni tudi masivni kamniti bloki, ki so bili largest ports in Istria’s western coast. The
verjetno del skladiščnih prostorov pri- pier, which still featured bronze rings for
stanišča. Pomembno je poudariti, da je securing ships in the 19th century, is now
pristanišče ostalo v uporabi do zgodnjega hidden under the facilities of the public
srednjega veka. V podvodnih raziskavah bathing area, whereas the remains of the
so bili odkriti leseni elementi, ki verjetno jetty are still visible in the sea; however,
predstavljajo ostanke lesenih privezov they are under the water now, since the

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