Page 7 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 4(1) (2016)
P. 7
ia universitatis Vsebina/Contents
Nives Zudič Antonič, Helena Bažec

9 Uvodnik
Nives Zudič Antonič, Helena Bažec
13 Prefazione
Metka Malčič, Nives Zudič Antonič
17 Poučevanje in učenje italijanščine na narodnostno mešanem območju Slovenske Istre
Helena Bažec
33 L’italiano “sloveno”
Anja Zorman
49 Besedni red kot primer italijanske interference v južnoprimorski slovenščini
Rita Scotti Jurić
59 Learners of Italian as L2 and the Awareness of the Cultural Connotation of Words
Irena Marković and Ivana Škevin
73 Cross-influence between Language and Culture: Pause Structure as Proof of Cultural Difference

in the Same Language
Daniel Słapek
85 Forme verbali alternative (regolari e irregolari) del passato remoto
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