Page 6 - Vinkler, Jonatan, Ana Beguš and Marcello Potocco. Eds. 2019. Ideology in the 20th Century: Studies of literary and social discourses and practices. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 6
Ideology in the 20th Century: studies of literary and social discourses and practices

Špela Virant

63 Epistemology, Ideology, and Literature: Radical Constructivism,
Decolonial Studies, and Native American Literature

Marcello Potocco

81 National Identification in Canada:
Two Chapters from Its Anglophone Population’s Relations
to the United States of America

83 American or Canadian? Between Similarity and Difference(s)
in Text and Context, the First Take

87 American or Canadian? Between Similarity and Difference
in Text and Context, the Second Take

Aleš Kozár

6 95 Searching for the Image of the Village in the Swirl of 20th Century
Ideological Conflicts

97 Writing About the Village After the Political Changes in 1989–1991

102 The Czech Situation

106 Conclusion

Gašper Troha

109 Society as Seen in Slovenian Drama during Socialist Times and Today
111 The Society in Literature; First Example:

Dušan Jovanović: Military Secret
113 The Society in Literature; Second Example:

Simona Semenič: nineteeneightyone
116 Literature in Society
119 Conclusion

Maja Murnik

121 Contemporary Slovenian Stage-plays and the Political

121 Postdramatic Theatre and ‘No Longer Dramatic Text’
123 Art and Theatre in the Age of Post-politics
126 Textual and Performative Tactics through their Relationship

with the Political: Case Studies
130 Conclusion

Varja Balžalorsky Antić

133 Women’s Poetic Discourse in the Context of Post-war Ideologies:
Senca v srcu (A Shade in the Hearth) by Ada Škerl
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