Page 4 - University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies
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About us – View from the top

Dean of the Faculty Dear reader,
Assoc. Prof. Klavdija I gladly welcome your interest in our Faculty of Mathematics, Natu-
ral Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT), member of
Kutnar, PhD the University of Primorska in Koper, Slovenia. Committed to academ-
ic excellence we lively, curiously and enthusiastically work in the chal-
lenging and ever evolving field of higher education and research. De-
spite our youth, we already enjoy international recognition, especially
with our outstanding scientific achievements.
Strong international activity is one of our priorities since the begin-
ning, as we believe that the academic sphere can only gain from inter-
changing and sharing knowledge, good practices and talents. In the ac-
ademic year 2016–2017 we welcomed 91 international students on all
three levels of higher education. Aware of the demands of today’s world
we offer them both – knowledge and skills, delivered through mod-
ern methods by our competent, highly motivated teaching staff, whose
pedagogical work is backed by their own active research work. Our re-
searchers strictly keep pace with all latest findings in science by visiting
resounding international scientific meetings and conferences and or-
ganizing several per year themselves.
Last but not least, I would like to stress our pleasant position in a Med-
iterranean coastal environment, just two hours’ drive away from Ven-
ice and on the crossroads of great historical cultures. We highly appreci-
ate the benefits of such inter-cultural environment and are determined
to continue to transcend any borders in that sense – gender, national or
I therefore kindly invite you to get to know us better by reading through
the following pages and I look forward to meeting you in Koper.

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